The creative practice of cooking. One who engages in the culinary arts, or a culinarian, is

either called a cook or a chef depending on their level of expertise.

Units wishing to participate in the Culinary Competition must follow the application procedures

and be approved by the National ACT-SO.


1. Each participant must be a high school junior or senior and is required to have previous

or current formal culinary education, training or experience.

2. Each participant must dress in full professional chef whites, including toque and apron

throughout the competition.

3. The competition events will be held in a banquet/conference room with tabletop burner

or induction cooking.

4. 1 (one) written Menu Plan is required per student. The Menu Plan will consist of the

student’s plan for executing their competition menu. The Menu Plan should be a

maximum of 2 pages and include the guidelines identified in the Menu Plan template.

The student’s name and page number should appear at the top of each page.

5. Prior to the start of competition, the student is required to make an Oral

Presentation, not to exceed five (5) minutes, explaining his/her Menu Plan. Contestants

should be familiar with business terminology in general and about terminology related

to their selected menu. Contestants are required to have personally conducted the

Menu Plan analysis and have been involved with the production of any prototype

product or service trials.

6. Each participant will present a Culinary Skill Demonstration following all NACCP

guidelines and will have 2 hours and 30 minutes preparation and clean up time to

complete their competition

Additional information is provided to units that apply and are approved to host a Culinary Competition